4 Ways That can Help You Learn New Things Everyday

“The mind that opens to a new idea never returns to its original size” — Albert Einstein.

'Dare Akinyera
3 min readFeb 12, 2021

Several times we have heard that growth comes from learning or trying new things, so as an individual who seeks to grow in all areas, learning new things is sacrosanct.

There are days when I wake up with a surreal feeling that I haven’t tried a new hobby or learnt a new fact in a long time and I feel like a stagnant pool of water. The kind that has been so stagnant that thick films of algae have dominated its surface.

Couple of times at work when we take out time during break to talk about current trends in our industry, or just chat about sports, business, arts. Sometimes during our conversations, I get lost in so much information and facts that I wonder “Have I been hibernating all these while?” “Where did they get all these information from?”.

Yeah, I know you’ve felt the same way too right? This simply underlies how critical it is to keep your learning dynamo constantly fired up. The world is evolving at a phenomenal speed. What was relevant today becomes obsolete the next day. Large tons of data are churned out every minute. Today you’re skilled in excel tomorrow your job requires you to be skilled in Power BI.

There are several ways to be up-to-date and remain conversant with what’s happening around, nevertheless, I outlined 4 ways to keep myself up-to-date with the constant flow of information and to keep my learning dynamo constantly running.

Read or Watch the news daily

This has to be the most straightforward and simplest way to be conversant with happenings around the World or learning something new.

Watching the news on TV is one of the common ways we get access to information. Most business establishments that have TVs in their waiting rooms or reception are usually tuned to a news service. I am sure there’s a reason for that.

However make sure you read or watch the news from a verified source. Nowadays, fake news and conspiracy theories are ubiquitous and have pervaded most social media channels.

Focus on trending news. Don’t limit yourself to World news. Scan other interests like Business, Science, Sports and Arts.

You’ll be amazed the amount of information you’ll learn in just 5 minutes.

Follow trending topics on Social Media.

Twitter is an important social media channel you can keep abreast of important updates.

However you’ll need to keep your personal and moral filter on. Select only useful material that adds value to you and your career.

Get involved in productive conversations.

Always join productive discussions among your workmates. You’ll be amazed at the amount of information and things you'll learn.

Don’t keep silent. Contribute when you can especially when it involves a topic you have vast experience or knowledge in.

Be Curious

“Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning” — William Arthur Ward. Always be curious about things you have no idea about. Get some information about it. Why is the sky blue and not red? What is the Machu Picchu?.

However exercise caution when it comes to curiosity. Focus on valuable and unbuilding information. Remember also that “Curiosity killed the Cat’.



'Dare Akinyera
'Dare Akinyera

Written by 'Dare Akinyera

Writer| Marketing Afficionado | Advocate of God's Kingdom | Neutralist | Optimist

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